
Creating a portfolio is similar to creating a page or a post. Freesoul Builder page builder will be available also for portfolios content.
You will find “Portfolios” in the main WordPress admin menu.

To each portfolio, you can assign a portfolio genre taxonomy that you can create from the main admin menu item “Portfolio Genres”.
The image above shows some examples of portfolio genres and related fields.

If you have created some portfolio genres and assigned them to any portfolios, then in the single portfolio editing page, in each Freesoul Builder main rows, you will find a dropdown list of the available portfolio genres. If you select a specific portfolio genre for a row, then you will see that content in the single portfolio genre page. Be care, only the assigned portfolio genres will be displayed in the dropdown list.
In any pages or posts, you can add a list of portfolio genres using the Freesoul Builder element “Portfolio genres” or directly the shortcode [eos_portfolio_genres] if you are editing text for an external plugin that doesn’t support Freesoul Builder.