As written in the WordPress documentation:
A shortcode is a WordPress-specific code that lets you do nifty things with very little effort. Shortcodes can embed files or create objects that would normally require lots of complicated, ugly code in just one line. Shortcode = shortcut.. (From
Some shortcodes can accept one or more parameters, depending on the purpose.
It’s important to respect the shortcode syntax [shortcode_name parameter1=”parameter1_value” parameter2=”parameter2_value”].
Where shortcode_name is the name of the shortcode, parameter1, parameter2 … are the names of the parameters. Be careful to put the parameters’ values parameter1_value, parameter2_value … inside double quotes.
For more details, you can read the WordPress documentation at
The most part of the Freesoul shortcodes are completely integrated with Freesoul Builder, this means that while you are editing something using the Freesoul Builder editor, it will be possible to set the Freesoul shortcodes parameters using an easy and user-friendly graphic interface.
You could need to manually write the Freesol shortcode parameters just in case you are editing some content related to external plugins to whom it’s not possible to use the Freesoul Builder editor.

To know how you can manually write a Freesoul Builder element shortocde, just click on “CLASSIC MODE” on a page where it’s included that element.
In the pictures above you have on the left the Contact Form element as it is displayed when the Freesoul Builder editor is active and on the right the shortcode classic syntax.
If you need to know about WordPress built-in shortcodes visit: About Freesoul Builder shortcodes, it’s very easy, as said you have a graphic interface in the Freesoul Builder editor, where you can see all the available elements (based on shortcodes).
Here you have the Freesoul shortcodes that are not available as Freesoul Builder elements.
You can use them inside your texts or wherever you need them.
For each shortcode, you can see a short description and the accepted parameters.
2025It returns the current year. Useful every time you don't want to manually update a text containing the current year, as for example for the copyright text.
No parameters needed.
The email between the shortcode tags will be displayed on the front end in a way the is more difficult to be found by spam robots.
No parameters needed.
You don't see anything because you are not logged inIt displays the content between the opening and closing shortcode tags only if the user is logged in.
No parameters needed.
It displays the signature set in Freesoul settings, that could be an image or a text.
"align" (default value: '')
"class" (default value: '')
It makes tweetable the text written in the parameter text.
"text" (default value: '') => the text that will become tweetable
"bg_color" (default value:background color set in theme options for text selection) => the background color of the tweetable text
"color" (default value: color set in theme options for text selection) => the text color of the tweetable text
LoginIf woocommerce is active it returns the account page link if the user is logged in or the login/register page link if the user is not logged in
No parameters needed.