Suggested colors combinations

Freesoul has four predefined sets of colors, you can choose between:
- Earthed Brand
- Lighthearted Brand
- Classical Brand
- Minimalist Brand
Every set corresponds to a different brand, choose the best that fits with yours.
Single and multiple color change

If the checkbox above is active, every time you change a color, all the other colors having the same previous value will change in according to the new value.
Available color options

The colors that you choose in the theme options will be easily available every time you need to chose a color (e.g. in a blog post, or in a new page). They are fully integrated with the Freesoul Builder elements and all the shortcodes. If for example at one point you decide to change the background color of your header, all the elements of your site for which you have chosen that color will be updated with the new color. Of course, for every element, you can always decide between a “disconnected” color or a “connected” color.
Every color picker in the back-end will have the theme color palette.
For each element you see on the image above, you can set color and opacity.