Portfolio Widget Area
In short in this section, you will find the options related to the Portfolio Widget Area.
Freesoul gives you two widget areas for the portfolio:
- Before footer
- Sidebar

If you activate the “before footer portfolio area”, you will find it just before the footer in the single portfolios. You can populate it in Appearance => Widgets
With the checkbox above you can decide if you want the “before footer portfolio area” active as default when adding a new portfolio. In any case, you will be able to decide in every single portfolio.
Moreover, for the Before Footer Portfolio Widget Area you can choose between:
- Activation in according to single portfolios setting
- Always active in single portfolios, no matter what you set in the single portfolio
- Never active in single portfolios, no matter what you set in the single portfolio
Portfolio sidebar

For the Portfolio Sidebar you can decide between:
- Right position
- Left position
- No sidebar at all