Single Page SEO Settings
If no SEO plugins are active, In the single page settings, you will find the section “Theme SEO Settings”.
You can set:
- SEO Title. the title that you want to see in the search results. It’s also the title of the browser tab.
- Meta Description. The description that you want to see on the search results
- Canonical URL. In case you have two pages with the same content, with the Canonical URL you can say to the search engine bots which is the canonical page that should be indexed
- No index. If you check it, the page will not be indexed.
- No follow. If you check it the search engine bots will be instructed to don’t follow any link included on the page.
- No archive. If you check it, Google and other search engines will not cache the page.

On the picture below, you can see how the SEO title and description will appear on the search results.

If you don’t use the Single Page SEO Settings, the theme will build the SEO title in the following way:
[Page title] + [Separator] + [Site Title] + [Separator] + [Site description]
Page Title is the title of the page.
Site Title is what you set in Settings => Reading => Site Title
Site Description is the tagline that you set in Settings => Reading => Tagline.
Separator is the symbol |.
Remember that if you change the SEO settings you will see the effects after a couple of weeks when Google Bot and other SEO bots scan again your website.
If a popular SEO plugin is active, the theme will not show you the theme SEO settings, but leave all the space to the plugin.