Getting Started
Like any other WordPress plugin, you can install Oracle Cards by uploading the file to your WordPress site. Follow these steps:
- Open your WordPress Admin panel and navigate to Plugins;
- Select ‘Add New’ (upper left corner);
- Select ‘Upload Plugin’ (upper left corner);
- Choose to upload from your computer and click ‘Install Now’;
- WordPress will install the plugin automatically;
- Click ‘Activate Plugin’ to finish the installation.
You can now use Oracle Cards on your site.

After the installation, remember to activate the license following these steps:
- Go to Main Admin Menu => Settings => Oracle Cards License
- Set your email and the license key that was included in the email you received when you purchased Oracle Cards
- Save the license settings clicking on “Save Changes”
Until the license is valid you will be able to update Oracle Cards with one click from the plugins page of your backend, and you will have access to the premium features.

Main Admin Menu => Oracle Cards => Oracle Cards => Add New Deck

Set the deck name and click on “Add New Deck”

The Oracle Cards plugin will create a new empty deck of cards and open the deck settings page.
Here you can decide the default card back and assign the default card sizes.
Then where you put the deck, you will able to decide for the different card back and sizes that are different than the default settings.
For the back of the cards, you can select between four inbuilt backs or upload your custom image.

The titles of the cards can have a fixed part, that you can set in the text field, followed by a progressive number automatically assigned to each card, or be the same as the titles of the uploaded images.
In this last case, activate the checkbox “Create titles by uploaded files names”.
To populate the deck click on the button “Upload card front images”.

After creating and populating the deck, you will find it in the decks listed in Main Admin Menu => Oracle Cards.
Copy the shortcode from the last column and put it into the page or post where you want it appears.
In the example shown in the image above you would copy [oracle_cards deck=”1″]
Here you have the list of the shortcode parameters:
the ID of the deck you want to insert
This is the arrangement of the cards. You can decide between “deck” and “folding_fan”.
Choosing “deck” the cards will be one on top of each other. Choosing “folder_fan” they will be arranged in a fan.

You can use it if on the page where you include the shortcode you want a different card width than the general deck settings ( in pixels).
You can use it if on the page where you include the shortcode you want a different card height than the general deck settings (in pixels).
Height of the empty space before the deck in pixels.
Height of the empty space before the text in pixels.
Increasing the value of this parameter increases the space between the button and the deck. It accepts also negative values for decreasing the space.
You can choose between “true” to show the title and “false” to don’t show it.
Alignment of the card titles. Possible values: left, center, right.

An integer number representing the maximum number of the cards to be displayed
An integer number representing the corner-border radius in pixels
The ID of the image to be used as a card back.
It has three possible values: show, hide, remove. Setting this parameter to “show” you will see the deck on mobile devices. Choosing to hide the deck will be hidden on mobile devices through CSS, but it will not be really removed. Mobile users will not see it, but search engine crawlers will detect it. If you assign the value “remove”, the deck will exist neither for mobile visitors nor for crawlers. If you choose “remove” you have to be careful about your cache system if any. In this last case, you need a full-page system that is able to distinguish between mobile and desktop devices, in another case you will have issues.
CSS class name for custom CSS
If you choose “folding_fan” as deck_type, you can change the arrangement of the cards through the following additional parameters.
It’s the average distance in pixels between the cards Typical values are around 2.
If the cards need more space than this space, the cards will thicken.

If you are using our Freesoul WordPress Theme, you will find the content element “Oracle Cards” where you can easily set the parameters without the need to remember their names
In the backend, you can edit the description, the title, and the link of every single card by going to Oracle Cards => All Cards and then clicking on the Edit link of the card that you want to edit.

The title and the descriptions will appear on the screen after the rotation of the card.
If you add also a link, when you chose a card, after the rotation, you will see a “Read more” button, and if you click on it the page linked to that button will open.