Change log - Fix: Issue with the RTL languages - Fixed: Spaces between the lines of the card description stripped with some themes - Fixed: Description of the card preview not working - Fixed: PHP warning - Fixed: Conflict with Flatsome 1.2.0 - Fixed: German translation missing for some words - Fixed: Max number of cards not working 1.1.9 - Fixed: card preview not showing the right card 1.1.8 - Fixed: fatal error missed class method 1.1.7 - Fixed: fatal error missed constant 1.1.6 - Fix: conflicts with page builder when showing the card description 1.1.5 - Fixed: fatal error due to single card template 1.1.4 - Fixed: card description not showing 1.1.3 - Fixed: random cards generation not working with the server cache 1.1.2 - Fixed: conflict with Elementor 1.1.1 - Added: support for Elementor page builder 1.1.0 - Added: parameters to customize the deck - Added: helper to build a custom shortcode in the deck settings page - Added: tinymce button 1.0.9 - Added: parameters to set the spaces and the screen width breakpoint to switch from fan to deck 1.0.8 - Fixed: error uploading the images for the front of the cards 1.0.7 - Added: Minified stylesheets and scripts 1.0.6 - Added: VisualComposer integration - Added: translation in German and Italian 1.0.5 - Added: Freesoul Builder integration 1.0.4 - Added: Deck shortcode 1.0.3 - Improved: plugin options 1.0.2 - Added: licenses client manager 1.0.1 - First version