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If after reading the FAQ you haven’t found anything that can really help you to solve your problem, many times you can solve or at least understand what is going on, doing one of the following simple actions.
  • Be sure that you have read the part of the documentation related to what is giving you problems.
  • Switch to a default WordPress theme to see if the problem comes from the Freesoul theme.
  • Reactivate Freesoul theme and deactivate all the plugins keeping active only Freesoul Builder to see if the problem comes from Freesoul Builder.
  • Visit our Facebook page where you could find other people that had the same problem that was already solved by our support team. Not all the issues go the FAQ, but only the most common ones.

If after these actions you still need help we will try to solve your problem as soon as possible after your request on our Support System (you can have access to our Support System if you are a member and your membership is not expired).

We know how you feel, it’s never nice to have an issue, so we will try to do the best, please just avoid to use other channels to send us your support requests because our support system would not work in that case. Unfortunately emails, messages … could probably be not seen by our stuff and you could wait for a long time for an answer that could never arrive.

If your problem depends by a bug in the software we will be really grateful for discovering it, normally in these cases, we will provide you a temporary solution for your specific case and then the bug will be definitely solved with next Freesoul version release.

If you realize that an external plugin is causing a conflict, let us know it, we will take care to inform the plugin author about the problem or eventually modify the Freesoul code if needed.